Neelam Ram O Shyam Trust

127-B, Old A G Colony, KADRU, Ranchi, Jharkhand Pin-834002

Registration No : 2021/RAN/9830/BK4/962

About Neelam Ram O Shyam Trust

Neelam Ram O Shyam Trust is a dedicated non-governmental organization Charitable Trust committed to making a profound impact on society. With a mission to uplift the underprivileged and marginalized communities, they tirelessly work towards creating a brighter, more equitable future. Their multifaceted initiatives encompass education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and socio-economic development.

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Objective Of The Trust

  • To establish children's homes, orphanages, old age homes and home for widows, destitute and homeless people.
  • To help the poor and destitute, senior citizens of the society to grow in grace and joy.
  • To establish childcare centres, health centres, clinics, nursing homes and hospitals and to provide medical and health care facilities to the needy people of the
  • To promote communal and social harmony and understanding among various sections of the Society.
  • To propagate values and morality and to conduct awareness campaigns against the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs and environmental protection.
  • To establish rehabilitation centres for physically and mentally handicapped people.
  • To perform and to assist everything to bring up harmony and peace in families and society and for that purpose to establish counsellingcentres.
  • To act in co-operation and for that purpose enter into arrangements and to co-operate with any other associations, institutions, societies or trust having objectives similar to that of this Trust.
  • To purchase, take on lease, acquire, hold and possess any land and any properties immovable or movable property which may be necessary. expedient or desirable for attaining the objectives of the trust.
  • To acquire properties and to construct and maintain buildings and also to provide the necessary infrastructure in furtherance of the objectives of the Trust.
  • To arrange funds and to raise finance necessary for the activities of the Trust by way of donations, sponsorships, subscriptions, membership fees, loans, crowd findings etc.
  • To raise funds by way of borrowing money or by receiving deposits and by raising loans upon such terms and conditions as decided by the Trustees from time to time for achieving the objectives of the Trust.
  • To keep surplus funds as specified under Section-11(5) of Income Tax Act.
  • To do all other things auxiliary and ancillary to the above objectives which includes carrying out surveys in the area of education, health care, environmental activities and preparing reports for the studies on the subjects for benefits of society at large.
  • To establishment Schools, Collages, Institutions, Universities, Research Centres and Hospitals for achieving the objectives of the Trust.

Administration Of The Trust

Board of Trustees. The authors of the trust herein shall have the right to nominate or accept more persons as Trustees asdecided by them from time to time to facilitate the smooth functioning of the Trust and its activities and the authors of the trust herein together with the persons so nominated oraccepted shall form the "Board of Trustees". The Board of Trustees shall have the following responsibilities:-

  • * The Board of Trustees shall manage, administer and control the Trust fund, the properties owned by the Trust and the institutions belonging to the Trust.
  • * The Board of Trustees may accept donation or contribution in cash or in kind from any persons, firms, companies, corporations, associations, institutions or any other trusts for the furtherance of the objects of the trust or for any one or more of them upon such terms and conditions as they may in their absolute discretion think fit and which are not inconsistent with the objects of the Trust. The Board of Trustees may also take over the management of any other charitable or public institutions on such terms as they think fit and may manage such institutions.
  • * To borrow money by way of bank overdrafts, loan or otherwise as may be necessary for the benefit of the trust and for more effectively carrying out the objects of the trust against the security of the assets or otherwise of the trust.
  • * To appoint or make provisions for the appointment of a Sub-Committee of trustees to attend, supervise and conduct specified jobs or functions or trust matters in such manner and subject to such rules and regulations as the trustees may prescribe.
  • * The Board of trustees shall have the right to initiate disciplinary action against any trustee whose action and behaviour are against the rules and objectives of the Trust.
  • * The Board of trustees may make such rules and regulations for proper management of the trust, its institutions, and activities, and he may add, alter or modify such rules and regulations whenever found necessary, with the approval of the majority of the Board of present in any meeting convened for the said purpose.

Office Bearers Of The Trust


Any one of the founding trustees at a given time shall be the President of the Trust. Founding trustees will take turns over a period of 5 (Five) years to be the President & Vice President respectively.The President shall have the following powers and functions.

  • * The President shall preside over all meetings of the Board of Trustees as well as in all meetings conducted by the Trust as far as possible. In his absence, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President with his consent.
  • * All decisions regarding the function of the trust shall only be made with the consent of the President & Vice President.
  • * The President may summon the meetings of "The Board of Trustees" whenever necessary to discuss and decide upon important manners.
  • * The President and Vice President unless otherwise decided by the Board of Trustees shall represent the Trust in respect of the purchase and sale of any immovable properties of the Trust.


  • * The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence with the consent/permission of the President.

General Secretary

  • * The General Secretary shall be selected from and among the Trustees on a majority vote.
  • * The General Secretary, subject to the control and supervision of the Board of trustees, may exercise and perform such powers and duties as the Board of Trustees may from time to time determine

Joint Secretary

  • * The Joint Secretary shall perform the duties of the Secretary in his absence


  • * The Treasurer shall be selected from and among the Trustees on majority vote. The Treasurer, subject to the control and supervision of the Board of Trustees, may exercise and perform such powers and duties as the Board of Trustees may from time to time determine

Financial year

  • * The financial year of the Trust shall end on 31st March ofevery year.


  • * Notice of the meeting of the trustees and all communications may be sent to the trustees at their address for the time being in the record of the trust and 10 days prior notice in writing regarding the meeting of the trustees shall be given to trustees
  • * Urgent circumstances, a meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be convened by the Chairman on short notice of not less than 24 hours.
  • * The extraordinary meetings of the Board of Trustees convened on request by not less than 2 members of the Board of Trustees, shall have at least three daysnotice.


  • * Quorum for the meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be minimum of two if the authors of the trust are the only trustees in the Board of Trustees and if the number of trustees is more than two, then the quorum shall be two third of the trustees along with the President and Vice President.


  • * The Board of Trustees shall convene annual meetings and there shall be such periodical meetings within four months since the closing of the financialyear.

General Rules

  • All documents executed in connection with the administration and Management of the Trust shall be in the name of "Neelam Ram "0" Shyam Trust" (N-RoSTrust) and shall be signed bythe President or Viee President or any other trustee or any other officials nominated and entrusted by the Board of trustees.
  • * No person shall be eligible to be nominated or shall be accepted as a Trustee, if he is an insolvent or a person of unsound mind or convicted by a criminal court regarding any offence involving moral turpitude or if he/she is a minor.
  • * The Board of Trustees may from timeto timeframe schemes and rules and regulations to carry out the objects of the Trust and for managing the affairs of the Trust and otherwise for giving effect to the object and purposes of the Trust and to vary the same from time to time as the Board of trustees may in their discretion deem fit and proper
  • * All decisions regarding the function of the trust shall only be made with the consent of the President/Vice-President.
  • * The Board of Trustees shall have the right to initiate disciplinary action against any Trustee whose action and behaviour are against the rules and objectives of the Trust.
  • * Any new trustees (other than the family members of authors) who are willing to join the Trust may put up an application to the Board of Trustees and the Board of Trustees may take appropriate decision on admission of such a person as trustee only with the consent of all trustees
  • * The Trust shall be irrevocable. In the event of dissolution/winding up of the Trust the assets remaining as on the date of dissolution shall under no circumstances be distributed among the trustees /members of the managing committee/governing body but the same shall be transferred to another charitable Trust /Society whose objects are similar to those of this trust/society and which enjoy recognition under 12A of the income tax Act at the time of transfer or vests with government.
  • * In case of any amendment to the clauses, it would not extend to altering the basic character/objects of the Trust and further, no such amendments which may prove to be repugnant to the provision of section 2(15), 11, 12&13 and 80G of the Income Tax Act shall be made. Any amendments to the Objects and Clauses of the Trust Deed shall be carried out only with the prior approval of the Commissioner of Income Tax having jurisdiction over the Trust.
  • * The Trust shall maintain regular books of accounts and the same shall be audited by a qualified Chartered Accountant.
  • * The objects/activities of the Trust shall be carried out only in India.
  • * The income of the Trust shall be solely utilized towards the objectives of the Trust and the funds/assets will not be utilized for the payment to the Authors & Trustees by way of profit/interest/income/dividend etc.
  • * The benefit of the Trust will be open to all irrespective of cast, creed, religion, sex etc.
  • * The trust shall not carry on any commercial activity with the ultimate motive of making profit and division of profit. The income and assets of the Trust shall be applied only for the charitable activities of the Trust as mentioned in the Object clause and for expansion of the institution(s) run by the trust, and the trustees shall have no power to utilize the same for their personal ends.

Our Banker

State Bank Of India AGO Complex Branch Ranchi

For Donation Contact Phone Number +91- 9113356104

Advisory Board

  • * There shall be an Advisory Board consisting of members not exceeding ten nominated by the Board of Trustees from among persons who are prominent in the field of operations as per the objectives of the Trust and persons having high reputation in the society.
  • * The Advisory Board shall assist and advise the Board of Trustees to carry out its functions efficiently.


  • * Amendments to the Articles in the Trust deed may be made by the Board of Trustees and it should not be contrary to or inconsistent with the objects of the Trust. Any amendment duly approved by the Board of Trustees will be intimated to the Commissioner of Income Tax having jurisdiction over the Trust.
  • * Any meeting of the Board of Trustees convened for amendments in the Articles of the Trust, shall be convened only by giving 10 days' prior notice to all members of the Board of Trustees.


Savings, if any, shall be utilized for the development of the Trust/Institutions, for educational help to the poor and needy and for achieving the other objectives of the Trust and for other charitable purposes as may be decided by the Board of Trustees. The funds of the Trust shall be invested strictly in accordance with provisions of the Section 11 (5) read with Section 13 (1) (d) of the Income Tax Act.


If the object for which the Trust has been created shall fail and cannot be fulfilled, the trustees shall be at liberty to merge the said trust with any other trust having similar interest and objects, which the trustees shall consider proper and at the time of dissolution/winding up of the Trust, the assets and liabilities shall be transferred to a trust or a Society not only having similar objectives but also enjoying regulations under 12A of the Income Tax Act or else it shall vest with the Government.


To create a positive impact or society by providing quality education better health facilities enviroment to underprivilazed people.It aims to provide a sense of responsiblity among the people unprivileged children, youth with special attension to girls for fostering a section of compassionate leadership.


Our values are passion, compassion integrity, & teamwork with transparency.


To educate people scientifically logically rationally and provide better health care facilities To transform their lives by providing digital services, class-rooms ,clinics, hospital clean water & sanitary facility, sustainable environment and inculcate, a sense of belive, respect, confidence an compassion.


We strive to build and maintain trust with our donors stake holders & communities. We serve with commitment to transparency in all aspect of works.

Open Communication

We provide clear & concise information about our programmes initiative & finance. Our donors always open for inquiry. We respond promptly to any queries or concern.

Financial Accountability

We take this responsibility of utilizing the donation & resources seriously .We ensure that every donations is used judiciously for its intended purpose.85 % of donations would be utilized in the programs, schemes & remaining 15 % will be allocated for administrative purpose including fund raising & other purposes.


We activity participate or collaboration with Other like minded trusts NGOs organizations local communities and government entities to achieve the goals of this trust.

Our Services

Educational Programs Social Development Cleanliness Program Health Program Social Welfare Program Agriculcural Development Sports Program Rural Development Read More
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